Get Interviewed For Our Blog/Podcast - Virtually & Free!

Tell Us About Your Organization & Events:

Our broadcast format includes primarily interviews with those who run events for their organizations, attendees and their responses,
and event forecasts previewing what to expect at events worldwide.

Get Interviewed - Get Exposure!
Give people a taste of what your organization is about and what your events are like - If you're ready to go with an audio interview, simply
answer the following questions in order with short, to the point answers. We will record them and place it in our 24x7 Podcast for all to hear!

Call Our USA Voicemail: 1-312-772-5631
2) Read the following questions into the voicemail in the form of a question, answer it concisely and loudly enough in your own words.
3) Hang Up - That's It. Your interview should be available soon!

"What is the name & purpose of our organization?"
2) "What Event(s) do we host?"
3) "How can one reach us and our organization?" (Name, Email, Website, Phone, Etc.)

Thank You!

9/27 Daily calendar events

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Sep 26 - Site Specific Advertising = More Natural Click-Through Effect
September 26, 2011 at 10:06 AM
IMHO, one of the most powerful forms of online advertising is "site specific" targeted advertising. Ads that fit lock-in-step with the overall theme and thrust of a website produce a higher credibility factor and don't require the viewer to mentally "shift gears" midstream, therefore clicking an ad becomes more natural to the click-through of the site. Works for us and our clients! Cheers, David Flint, MPA Founder, Since 1998, Your Venue for Business Technology Events and Networking Twitter: TechVenue __________________________
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